Tuesday, October 14, 2008

About Us

Welcome to the website of "Qui Lopongo", one of Africa's most respected independent news agencies!

We have been supplying news and exclusive reports from the Republic of Lopongo since 1991; our contributions have been featured in newspapers and magazines around the world on a daily basis. We are now pleased to provide you our online services through "Qui Lopongo" at http://lopongo.blogspot.com/ for even more timely information and in-depth analysis.

We are currently headquartered in Paris, with offices in London, Lagos, and Johannesburg. Thanks to our exceptional network of correspondents in Banda, Duambouti, Port Durame, and in every other major city in Lopongo, we are able to distribute up-to-date information in real time, despite the severe limitations to free reporting enforced by the local government.

"Qui Lopongo" offers a balanced view on all that is going on in Lopongo. If you are a citizen in Lopongo, an expatriate, or have family living in Lopongo; if you are a businessman with interests or projects in Lopongo, if you would like to keep up with all the news that is going on there, you can now get the facts from an online resource with the highest reporting standard!

Welcome to "Qui Lopongo"!

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